
Friday, February 17, 2012

Oh, YES! The Garden opened today - Friday, February 17th

by aleks
Another email from Rachel:

Seattle Japanese Garden Will Open on February 17, 2012.
 Seattle Parks and Recreation is postponing the opening of the Seattle Japanese Garden in the Washington Park Arboretum to Friday, February 17, 2012 to allow for the completion of the remediation work following a water main break on 26th Ave. E. Parks staff is working hard to finish the cleanup work and open to the public this Friday at 10 a.m.

The water main break led to significant flooding in the parking lot and along pathways of the Garden. In addition, a substantial amount of mud and debris deposited in the natural pond, home to a few dozen Koi, is being cleared and damaged paths are being re-graded.

First Viewing of the Garden is scheduled for Sunday, March 4, 2012. Details on this event to follow.

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That email had me puzzled a bit, I guess because I read stuff too literally sometimes: the Garden opens Friday, February 17th, but the First Viewing of the Garden is scheduled for Sunday, March 4, 2012... The official opening is still March 4 - you know, with Shinto priest, sake blessing and all.  See You there- it's fun,  always!

I guess enjoy your pre--first-viewing then,  or go and don't view, just BE:)...

• • • • • • • 
There is an app for that...  You heard that expression, right?  Well, there is an app for SJG audio tour. iPhone has it, and you can find it via your iTunes preview of podcasts or read about it here. Actually, when I just checked it out, I found out there is an app for that via Microsoft smart phone, too - you can read about it here (to view it, it will require installing MS Silverlight application first)...

Anyway, I asked my iPhone-owning husband how does it work in so called Real Life (= RL).  'Lousy', he answered,  'SJG has no fast- WiFi, so it is VERY SLOW loading...'  He gave up trying, but  promised to check it again, before I write to Lisa or Thomas about the problems with using it...

Well, I didn't make it today to the Garden opening, so the photo is really old: 3 flaming yellow ginko biloba trees from the fall of 2008:

SJG - 11/2/ 2008 - Fall Ginko biloba trees

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