
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wandering & Wondering - Saturday, August 4

by aleks
SJG • 8/4/12 - Wandering & Wondering

Another wonderful performance of butoh dance in the Garden, which became even more magical with the sound of delicate music coming from different directions and dancers appearing and reappearing on the paths, solo here, and as a group there.

SJG • 8/4/12 - Wandering & Wondering

Two six years old girls who came with us to see butoh dancing were very interested in figuring out what is happening;  they pretty soon determined that the entire Garden became a stage, or that the dancers are part of the Garden - pretty much doesn't matter which way around: 'Look, she is gardening, and pretending  she is smelling the flowers,  and now watering them'....

SJG • 8/4/12 - Wandering & Wondering

'They are having a party now, pretending they are talking and laughing' -  the group was sharing a drink of water, and it didn't escape the girls that the dancers didn't stop performing, but incorporated that activity into the dance. 'They are hugging and saying goodbye now' - on the group splitting and wandering off to different corners of the Garden again...

SJG • 8/4/12 - Wandering & Wondering - Sadie and Ellie watching... Pic by Michal
The event was directed by Joan Laage, of Kogut Butoh based in Seattle. Dancers were  Bruce Fogg, Consuelo Gonzalez, Joan Laage, Lin Lucas, Kaoru Okumura, Vanessa Skantze and Helen Thorsen. Musicians were Susie Kozawa, Dean Moore, Mike Shannon, Esther Sugai and Samuel Yoder.

SJG • 8/4/12 - Wandering & Wondering. Pic by Michal

Thank you dancers and musicians!  And thank you, Joan Laage, who is also a guide in SJG - I shall shadow her tour sometimes, she is probably dancing it....

SJG • 8/4/12 - Wandering & Wondering. Pic by Michal
Ellie's haiku on the occasion on watching butoh in 90 agrees weather:

butoh dancing
very slow -
looked very hot


Sadie and I 
thought the butoh
is having a party!

SJG • 8/4/12 - Wandering & Wondering
SJG • 8/4/12 - Wandering & Wondering
I have more pics, but the post is becoming too long - next year you have to see it yourself!

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