
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Maple Fest

by aleks
Maple Fest started October 13th, Sunday, this year, and is still going on:  16 maples have  tags, so you can learn their proper names, this time of the year only, as it is very un-Japanese to label plants in the Garden.  Due to the east coast travels I missed the show opening, but Allan Seidenverg kindly sent these photos taken by Paula last Sunday:

SJG •10/13/13 - Maple Fest celebration; photo by Paula

SJG •10/13/13 - Maple Fest celebration; photo by Paula
SJG •10/13/13 - Maple Fest celebration; photo by Paula

Today I went and photographed the maples as they are, now when the show is 10 days in progress:  some maples are still stubbornly not turning, like the habitually late in season shishigashira, some progressed to crimson red, like omato and osakazuki, and some are almost gone, like circinatum and full moon - pretty soon I'll post some of them here, and file ALL of them on the bloom blog (URL in the left column).

In the meantime, and for the contrast, maple turning on the east coast:
10/17/13 - leaves turning in Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA.
Locals noted it is unusually orangey this year.

REMINDER:  Film 'Dream window' about gardens of Japan, this Thursday, 10/24/13 at 1 pm in Tateuchi Room - everybody welcome.

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