
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Maple Viewing 2014

by aleks
SJG • 10/12/14

The trees are just starting to turn, so it will be a long and happy Maple Viewing: 16 maples now have labels underneath, which will stay in the ground under each tree till it has no leaves left.

SJG • 10/12/14 - Seattle Kokon Taiko performing in Fishing Village

You can keep coming this fall and enjoy the progress of Osakazuki Akame (by the WPA bridge on the E path)  and Omato (near the wisteria trellis) maples getting crimson red, Koto-no-Ito bamboo-like leaves (at courtyard's entrance) changing to golden yellow, Nikko (on the edge of the orchard, W path) turning stunningly vivid pink, Shigitastsu Sawa reticulated leaves looking like stained glass windows and fern-like green leaves of Aconitifolium getting sharp red edges before turning to its intense fall colors of orange, carmine-red and purple (both on the service road, behind the Tea House Garden)

SJG • 1012/14 - Naoko Fujii from Meito-kai, Japanese Calligraphy Association,
taught visitors  basics of  Japanese calligraphy in Tateuchi Community Room

This year Maple Viewing has opened on Sunday 10/12 in quite unusual way: with Taiko Drummers concert  and several hand-on activities. In the past we just let the trees speak for themselves, but having something else to do and see besides beautiful trees made it really a family affair with something for everyone. Thank you, Rumi Tsuchihashi, the Garden Stewardship and Events Coordinator, for inviting those exciting people and making the Maple Viewing opening truly memorable and special:

• Seattle Kokon Taiko (go to their informative website - they have classes upcoming October through January,  in the International District)
• Naoko Fujii from Meito-kai, Japanese Calligraphy Association, who taught people basic strokes of Japanese calligraphy and helped them to  sing it in Japanese
• Lisa Sanphillipo, school program coordinator the UW Botanic Gardens Education and Outreach Unit, who had brought dried leaves and flowers for visitors to make maple-themed cards.
• Daipan Butoh, who surprised visitors by appearing and disappearing while dancing on the paths.

SJG • 10/12/14 - Daipan Butoh Dancers 
When you come back to check on the trees, don't overlook our glorious, over 100 years old Japanese Lace leaf Maples (2 by the entrance) who are just turning smoky orange, or Samidare maple by the zig-zag bridge, which fall colors are varying blends of gold, crimson and purple - a rainbow effect quite unusual on one tree.

SJG • 10/12/14 - appropriately under maple, maple-themed art with Lisa Sanphillipo
of the UW Botanic Gardens; one of the Garden Guides, Sue C. is helping  with activities
And if you are really late in coming to see the maple show take a look at Shishigashira on the top N path, one of the last maples to change color with leaves turning scarlet or golden yellow burnished with red (during one of the recent public tours a visitor form North Carolina shared a picture of his own scarlet Shishigashira taken in his garden last December),  or note the interesting green stripes on the bark of Acer Capillipes (one along the connector path and two in the NE corner of the Garden.

SJG • 10/12/14 - maple-themed card in the making

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