
Monday, January 12, 2015

Kyoto 2015 Calendar, SJG field trip to Kyoto - memories

by aleks

Attention Kyoto lovers!   Dewey put together a 2015 calendar from the field trip to Kyoto some of our guides took in fall of 2014.  The picture of January page is featured above and i shows  SHINSEN-EN temple; the rest of the calendar has other beautiful pictures of Kyoto gardens and temples.   All of the pictures were featured in Dewey's posts summarizing the trip on 12/16, 12/19 & 12/28) (links: part 1 here, part 2 here,  and part 3 here) and now you can have them in supersize paper version to look over all year round.

The calendar is a nice memento not only for those who went for a Kyoto trip, but also a learning tool/material for those who didn't:  together with Dewey's posts on the subject you will have a nice, brief and informative Kyoto compendium,  should you ever consider going there or just study it from afar.

The calendars are now fully designed and ready for print, but turnaround time between when Dewey can order and receive the calendars is about 10 day, so order yours ASAP from Dewey's webpage - once on Dewey's webpage  you can view all the the 13 photos which make up the calendar cover plus months - under the tab KYOTO GARDENS 2014 - CALENDAR: "2015 Kyoto Gardens":

The calendar cost is $25 plus $5.00 for postage.  Ask here or ask Dewey...

+ Also on Dewy's webpage (under the tab KYOTO GARDENS 2014, sub-tab "GARDENS 101") you can view his entire photo-essay from our guides Kyoto field trip in one-page post.

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